Friday 20 July 2018

What You Need to Know About Senior Mobility Issues

It’s common for people to develop mobility issues as they age. Mobility issues can be caused by a number of factors, including muscle weakness, joint pain, neurological difficulties, diseases, illnesses or injuries. Mobility issues can result in falling, unsteadiness while walking, and difficulty going from sitting to standing. If you or a loved one is affected by senior mobility issues, here are some important facts you should know.

Emotional Impact

Senior mobility issues don’t just affect how the body can move; they can also seriously impact a person’s emotional state. A senior experiencing mobility issues may have to give up many of the physical activities they once enjoyed, making them feel frustrated and unhappy. Many seniors become withdrawn and isolated because they can’t move as easily as they once did. It’s important for a senior’s home environment to be as easy to navigate as possible so their mobility issues don’t overwhelm their emotional health.

Safety Concerns

The most hazardous part of mobility issues is the risk of falling. Falls can cause serious damage such as bruising, broken bones, and torn muscles. Older bones can break much more easily than younger ones and they take longer to repair. A senior may permanently need a walker or cane even after a minor fall. Slip and falls can also make existing health problems such as heart conditions or arthritis even worse. It’s important to keep a senior’s home as accessible as possible to reduce the risk of life-threatening accidents.

Mobility issues are a natural part of the aging process. A lack of mobility can have serious emotional and physical impacts, but seniors can still live rich and fulfilling lives if the right precautions are taken. If you or someone you know needs a more accessible bathroom, Safety Bath offers a range of innovative products to help make bathing safe and easy.